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God wills for us to be happy; to have Heaven here on Earth. There is no reason we can't take back our power , unite in love,and change the world! 

Please feel free to email me with any prayer requests at

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Rev. Rebecca Brown is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and avid student of A Course in Miracles for over 15 years. She has a B.A. in Psychology and a M.A. in Social Policy and is currently working on her Ph.D. in psychology , research, and teaching psychology. She has practiced Kundalini meditation for 40 years and lived in a yoga ashram at the age of 19. After studying the principles of ACIM she recognizes that she is a loving, gentle being, worthy of giving and receiving God’s infinite and eternal love. She wants to share this blessing with the world. Rebecca is also available for customized, nondenominational weddings, baptisms, memorial services and other ceremonies of transition.

Let's journey together



Rev. Rebecca Brown, O. M.C.

The Holistic Healing Heart Ministry

Spiritual, physical, and psychic healing through the transformation of energy 

Prayers for peace on earth. In light of Trump's election, we must be vigilant and hold to the dictates of Christ. Take care and love each other.

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